Welcome to Hotel Marina , Daman , India

An important locational advantage of Daman is its close proximity to Bombay and it is just 13 kms away from the nearest rail road, Vapi. Geographical area of Daman is 72 square kms. Just 13 km drive from Vapi, the nearest railhead on the Mumbai – Delhi Western Line, Daman Offers an ideal retreat and a refreshing holiday away from the sick, hurry and divided aims of a mad, mad world around.

Temperate in climate round the year it is a getaway home in all seasons. A Portuguese enclave for four centuries and a half till the close the colonial rule in 1961, Daman has been a coveted prize for which princes and potentates, indigenous scraps and alien powers waged wars. Muted memories of history lie vaulted in the monuments of Daman, gathering slime of time. It had been a melting pot where races and cultures met and mixed to bring forth a multi-colored identity. Try Daman once and you’ll be drawn to this scenic spot again and again. With rest, repose, fun & laughter with friendly and hospitable people, Daman is unparalleled.